Book review: Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center


  • Sarah Eliude Leite Bastos Universidade Católica de Santos - UNISANTOS



Feminism, Social Maginality, Revolution.


Abstract: An easy reading piece, created after a carefull research and based in the author’s life experience. In twelve chapters, bell hooks, compromised with the development of a feminist theory that can speak with all kind of people, talks about her own critics about the feminism, wishing it to overcome it’s limitations so it can develop it’s potential as a revolucionary movement, transforming all of the society. For that to happen, she brings up questions about the fighting, such as it’s racist and classist face. However, as a member who wishes for the feminist revolution, she suggests ways to   overcome those problems.

Author Biography

Sarah Eliude Leite Bastos, Universidade Católica de Santos - UNISANTOS

Mestranda no Programa de Educação da Universidade Católica de Santos, Bolsista CAPES. Pedagoga graduada pelo Centro Universitário Salesiano de São Paulo, Campus São Joaquim, Lorena (2018). E-mail:


HOOKS, bell. Teoria Feminista: da margem ao centro. Tradução: Reiner Patriota. São Paulo: Perspectiva. 2019. 254p.



How to Cite

Bastos, S. E. L. (2024). Book review: Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center. EVISTA ELETRÔNICA ESQUISEDUCA, 16(40), 184–189.