Book Review: PEDROSO, C.C.A; DOMINGUES, J.; FUSARI, J. C; GOMES, M. de O.; PIMENTA, S. G.; PINTO, V. de A.; Belletati, V. C. F. (Orgs.). Curso de Pedagogia. Inovações na formação de professores polivalentes. 1 ed. São Paulo: Cortez, 2019, 200p.
Curso de Pedagogia. Inovações na formação de professores polivalentes (São Paulo, Editora Cortez, 2019) is a book compiled by teacher-researchers from the Group of Studies and Research on Educator Training (Gepefe, Brazilian acronym) affiliated with the Graduate Program from the Education College of the University of São Paulo (FEUSP-SP) and presents results from the collective research on the training of polyvalent teachers in the Undergraduate Program in Pedagogy. Aiming at debating complex issues, such as the concepts of innovation and polyvalent teacher, the authors reflect on the educational scenario and the conflicts of educational policies in teacher training, as well as theoretical conceptions that provide alternatives for a theoretical and practical advance in teacher training for basic education, among which is human education, research as a formative principle, and interdisciplinarity.
Keywords: Education. Pedagogy Program. Polyvalent Teacher. Innovation
PEDROSO, C.C.A; DOMINGUES, J.; FUSARI, J. C; GOMES, M. de O.; PIMENTA, S. G.; PINTO, V. de A.; Belletati, V. C. F. (Orgs.). Curso de Pedagogia. Inovações na formação de professores polivalentes. 1 ed. São Paulo: Cortez, 2019, 200p.
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