Assertive use of transmedia storytelling and Information and Communication Technology as tools to foster learning


  • José Luís Bizelli São Paulo State University (UNESP), Araraquara – SP – Brazil
  • Arielly Kizzy Cunha São Paulo State University (UNESP), Bauru – SP – Brazil
  • José Anderson Santos Cruz
  • Alexander Vinicius Leite da Silva



Transmedia Storytelling. Technology. Information. Communication. Education.


Technological innovations and contemporary social concepts – virtual, digital, ephemeral, competitive, imagery – favor the development of new educational processes and the inclusion of these technologies as tools to foster learning. Educators, parents, children and professionals producing these contents are involved in the process. The study aims to reflect on the characteristics of digital natives, children, players, viewers, consumers, and content producers, requiring a multidisciplinary team of story, audiovisual and game producers. Through literature review and content analysis and synthesis, changes in actions related to the development and importance of Transmedia Storytelling are observed and verified for individuals of this generation, and these products are already part of their lives, and their use can be beneficial if mediated, directed and planned by those in charge, educators and the team of professionals who produce them.

Keywords: Transmedia Storytelling. Technology. Information. Communication. Education.

Author Biographies

José Luís Bizelli, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Araraquara – SP – Brazil

São Paulo State University (UNESP), Araraquara – SP – Brazil. Associate Professor, School of Sciences and Languages (FCLAr/UNESP) – Brazil; Postgraduate Program in School Education. Research Productivity Scholarship Level 2 – CNPq. National Coordinator FEPAE. ORCID: E-mail:

Arielly Kizzy Cunha, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Bauru – SP – Brazil

São Paulo State University (UNESP), Bauru – SP – Brazil. Lecturer in the Graduation Course in Radio, TV, and Internet, School of Architecture, Arts and Communication (FAAC/UNESP) – Brazil. Distance Learning Mediator in the Pedagogy Course (UNIVESP-SP). Doctor in in Media and Technology (UNESP). ORCID: Email:

José Anderson Santos Cruz

São Paulo State University (UNESP), Araraquara – SP – Brazil. Doctor in School Education, School of Sciences and Languages (FCLAr/UNESP) - Brazil. Collaborator Advisor ESALQ/PECEGE. Deputy Editor of Journals and Technical Assessor in Scientific Journals Management. CAPES Scholar. Editor in charge of the Editora Ibero-Americana de Educação. ORCID: E-mail:

Alexander Vinicius Leite da Silva

Sacred Heart University Center (UNISAGRADO), Bauru – SP – Brazil. Graduating in Languages. PIBID/CAPES Scholar. ORCID: E-mail:


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How to Cite

Bizelli, J. L. ., Cunha, A. K. ., Cruz, J. A. S., & Silva, A. V. L. da . (2021). Assertive use of transmedia storytelling and Information and Communication Technology as tools to foster learning . EVISTA ELETRÔNICA ESQUISEDUCA, 13(29), 223–235.