What do social sciences researchers understand by the transfer, utility and use of the knowledge they produce?


  • Mauro Alonso Universitad de Buenos Aires




ciencias sociales, transferencia de conocimiento, utilidad social del conocimiento


The notion of adapting knowledge to the needs of society according to Rich (1979) dates back to Hellenic times and is a theme that runs through much of the social studies of science and technology in the West. The emergence of the term knowledge transfer can be attributed to the current of studies on innovation economics, which for decades has permeated the discourses in the field of social studies of science and technology. This article explicitly asks: What definitions of “transfer” emerge from researchers’ discourses in social sciences? What meanings do they attribute to the notion of the social utility of their production and results? The analysis recovers a group interview with 14 social sciences researchers from the University of Buenos Aires carried out in June 2019 and presents a systematization that aims to put in order the most relevant aspects of knowledge transfer for social sciences, the definitions of social utility that the researchers themselves offer for their production, and the strategies they pursue to promote a (greater) use of their productions.

Author Biography

Mauro Alonso, Universitad de Buenos Aires

Lic. en sociología (FSOC-UBA). Mg. en estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología (UNQ). Becario Doctoral (CONICET-FFyL-UBA). Investigador del Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Educación de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (IICE-FFyL-UBA). Docente de la carrera de Sociología y Ciencia Política (FSOC-UBA).


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How to Cite

Alonso, M. (2022). What do social sciences researchers understand by the transfer, utility and use of the knowledge they produce?. EVISTA ELETRÔNICA ESQUISEDUCA, 14(33), 75–102. https://doi.org/10.58422/repesq.2022.e1207