Book review: “Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom”
Educação. Colonialismo. LiberdadeAbstract
Book review: “Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom” (“Ensinando a transgredir: a educação como prática da liberdade”)
Author: Bell Hooks. Translated by Marcelo Brandão Cipolla
Publishing house in Brazil: Martins Fontes. 2017. São Paulo. 283p.
Abstract: Bell Hooks wrote 14 essays in this book and, although their themes seem to be different from one another, they actually make up a large and well-orchestrated book by this author, who provokingly dialogues with her readers from the Introduction to the last line of the book. Subject matters such as feminism, language, racism, and eroticism in the classroom are aligned with delicacy and purpose: to teach everyone that teaching to transgress is possible. Teaching to Transgress is a moving invitation to the reflection that education is commitment and the practice of freedom is always emancipatory, therefore collective and committed to change.
Keywords: Education. Colonialism. Freedom.
Hooks, bell. Ensinando a transgredir: a educação como prática da liberdade. Tradução: Marcelo Brandão Cipolla. São Paulo: Editora Martins Fontes. 2017. 283p.
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