School dropout and abandonment among rural residents

a systematic literature review


  • Leandro Freitas de Lima UFVJM
  • Daniel Calbino Pinheiro UFVJM
  • Geruza de Fátima Tomé Sabino UFVJM



School Dropout, School Abandonmen, Rural Area, Educational Policies


This study investigates the causes and consequences of school dropout among students in rural areas, a complex and multifaceted phenomenon of growing social interest. Using a Systematic Literature Review (SLR), the aim was to analyze existing publications on dropout among rural residents and identify gaps in this research. The results highlight that symbolic and economic factors are the primary drivers of dropout in these communities. The research also emphasizes the lack of studies focused on the rural population and the absence of pre- and post-COVID-19 pandemic comparisons. It is concluded that more effective public policies and a deeper understanding of the fundamental causes of these phenomena in rural contexts are needed.

Author Biographies

Leandro Freitas de Lima, UFVJM

Bachelor's degree in Physical Education from the Federal University of Viçosa, Florestal campus. Post-graduate studies in Physical Education: Dance and Sports in Schools (2019). Post-graduate studies in Methodology of Physical Education Teaching (2019). Post-graduate studies in Teaching and Practice of Physical Education (2024). Currently a Physical Education teacher at Amador Aguiar Municipal School. Master's degree student in Education at UFVJM. Interests include: Interdisciplinarity in teaching/learning processes; Use of alternative methodologies for basic education; School dropout rates among rural students; Instruments and processes for school assessment; Interdisciplinary teacher training for basic education; Interdisciplinarity in school Physical Education, focusing on Physical Education, Mathematics, and Sciences teaching; Use of music to teach Physiology in higher education. Former Physical Education teacher at the quilombola school in Três Barras (2017); Former integral school teacher for musical initiation at Padre Lauro State School (2016). Former research scholarship holder at PIBID (2015/2016), with practice in the interdisciplinary field (Mathematics and Physical Education). Former Sports Monitor at the Second Half University Program (UFV 2014/2015). Former research scholarship holder at PIBEN UFV (2013/2014). Former general director and coordinator of the sports performance and leisure study group of the Athletic Association (LUVE) of UFV, Florestal campus (2015/2016). Former board member of the Academic Directory of the Federal University of Viçosa, Florestal campus (2013/2014). Awarded as a research standout in the teaching field with the Arthur Bernardes Award (UFV 2014), for the project "New Perspectives on Physiology Teaching: the use of music in video lessons as an alternative/complementary teaching methodology."

Daniel Calbino Pinheiro, UFVJM

Postdoctoral researcher in Administration from the Federal University of Lavras (2021). Doctorate in Administration from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2013). Master’s in Administration from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2010). Specialist in Philosophy from the Federal University of São João del Rei (2018). Bachelor’s in Philosophy from the Federal University of São João del Rei (2022). Bachelor’s in Administration from the Federal University of São João del Rei (2008). Currently an Associate Professor IV at the Federal University of São João del Rei - Sete Lagoas Campus and at the Master’s Program in Education at the Federal University of the Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys (PPGED-UFVJM). His research areas include: Organizational Studies, Institutional Work, Solidarity Economy, Rural Extension, Democratic Management of Educational Institutions, and Public Policy Evaluation in Education.

Geruza de Fátima Tomé Sabino, UFVJM

Ph.D. in Sociology from the Faculty of Sciences and Letters of Araraquara - Unesp (2008), Master's in Social Sciences from the Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences of Marília - Unesp (2003), and Bachelor's in Business Administration from the Faculty of Accounting and Administration of Marília - FEESR (1998). Currently, she is Associate Professor III in the Department of Computing, in the Information Systems program at the Federal University of the Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys - UFVJM. Since 2012, she has been a permanent faculty member of the Graduate Program (Professional Master's) in Education - PPGEd at UFVJM, linked to the Educational Institutions Management research line, and served as the program's vice-coordinator from 2016 to 2018. In 2020, she became the vice-coordinator of NUPED - Research, Teaching, and Extension Center on the African Diaspora, conducting research on social phenomena related to the world of work and the educational field, focusing on ethnic-racial relations.


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How to Cite

Freitas, L., Calbino, D., & Sabino, G. (2024). School dropout and abandonment among rural residents : a systematic literature review. EVISTA ELETRÔNICA ESQUISEDUCA, 16(43), 115–129.