Limits and possibilities of child learning in the pandemic
This paper deals with the issue regarding child learning in the pandemic. The problem is that children have to stay at home and classes are taught online. This is a completely new situation. Children miss their school, teachers, and friends. They do not understand why they cannot go to school. It is difficult to adapt to the new format of lessons and their interaction with teachers and schoolmates. Teachers and parents are worried about this, and it is not easy for them as well. This article aims to discuss this new way of schooling concerning this kind of learning and offer some contribution to family and educators. It is a challenge for us. We are concerned with the differences of this system. Theoretical foundation has two aspects: philosophy of education and psychology on one side and updated articles about this novelty in learning on the other side. It is concluded that children are capable of facing the new virtual school. Online education limits will not cause relevant losses There are countless possibilities to be employed, and teachers will discover them together with the children.
Keywords: Children. Online Education. Pandemic; Learning
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